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Connection between free birth control and abortion rates

A new study published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology concluded that when women are given free access to birth control, they a) are more likely to choose highly effective and long-lasting forms of birth control (in particular, IUDs and implants), and b) the rate of unplanned pregnancies and abortions drop.

The study ties together and appears to validate two major assertions of family planning advocates. First, providing women with more effective birth control (i.e., birth control where the error rate is lower) affects pregnancy and abortion rates. Second, women will choose more effective methods of birth control when cost is not an issue.

The study is a major positive talking point for the 'contraceptive mandate' of the Affordable Care Act. It also undermines the somewhat counter-intuitive argument of pro-life groups that providing additional birth control actually leads to more unplanned pregnancies and abortions, which is desired by the supposedly profit-driven 'abortion industry.' The logic there is that pro-choice and pro-birth control groups give women a false sense of comfort by promoting seemingly consequence-free sex through the easy provision of birth control. The birth control that many couples use, however, have significant failure rates (either inherently or in failing to be used properly), therefore actually increasing the number of unplanned pregnancies. Pregnant women, then, are driven to have more abortions than they would if they were more cautious about having sex.

There are lots of problems with this line of argument, one being the utterly unrealistic notion that women and men, unmarried or married, are simply going to stop having sex unless they are in the right situation to bear the burdens of a child or additional children (note that many married women with children have abortions, too!).

Suffice it to say here that pro-life groups are correct that many forms of birth control have signifiant failure rates (condoms, for example). What the new study indicates, however, is that there can be an effective connection between birth control and lower abortion rates if more effective but more expensive birth control is provided to women for free.

I'm sure that there will be vehement challenges to the methodology and analysis of the study (legitimate or not). Pro-life activists will also find the policy implications of the study unacceptable because one of the effective methods of birth control used, IUDs, are considered by pro-life groups not 'birth control' but rather an 'abortifacient.'

Finally, an international implication of the study is that it validates the promotion (and subsidization) of IUDs and implants in third-world countries as a form of family planning. In cultures where, for example, condom use is frowned upon by men, women can 'get around' cultural traditions and preferences and possess and use effective contraception.


Link to study in Obstetrics & Gynecology, which is currently available free as a pdf document (have I mentioned how frustrating it is that news reports don't link to articles that they cite?): Preventing Unintended Pregnancies by Providing No-Cost Contraception

For an example of the argument that greater access to birth control increases unplanned pregnancies and abortions, see "Myth no. 8" in this Family Research Council publication: The Top Ten Myths About Abortion

USA Today article: Free birth control project cuts teen births, abortions

WebMD summary of the research findings: Abortion Rates Fall When Birth Control is Free


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